What is the Water Residential Assistance Program?
The Water Residential Assistance Program, or WRAP, provides assistance to eligible, low-income households who receive water and/or sewer service from GLWA member partner communities. Households can receive help with paying down past due balances and receive water and sewer bill payment assistance for up to two years. Eligible seniors and permanently disabled persons can obtain bill credit assistance without an expiration date. Participants may also receive conservation assistance and minor plumbing repairs. WRAP, a first of its kind program in Michigan, was created by representatives from throughout the region. GLWA partners with agencies like Macomb Community Action, United Way for Southeastern Michigan, and Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency to deliver WRAP services to residents.
Water Residential Assistance Program Policy
Read the WRAP policy detailing the mission and vision of the program, as well as the objectives and outcomes.
Households are eligible for WRAP if they meet the following criteria:
- Reside within the GLWA service area;
- Demonstrate household income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level;
- Establish they are responsible for the water or sewer bill;
- Reside in the home they own or rent.
Program Elements
- Bill payment assistance based on household income and bill amount
- Arrearage or past due balance assistance
- Conservation measures such as a home water audit and minor plumbing repairs
GLWA engages local service delivery partners to administer the program. This partnership leverages the other resources and assistance programs available, working to ensure residents have adequate support outside of just their water and sewer bill.
Wayne County, Washtenaw County & Monroe County:
Wayne Metro Community Action Agency (Wayne Metro)
Macomb County, Lapeer County and St. Clair County:
Macomb Community Action (MCA)
Oakland County
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
City of Flint
Wayne Metro Community Action Agency (Wayne Metro)
It should be noted that residents within the city of Detroit are eligible for the Detroit Water & Sewerage Department’s Lifeline Plan which is partially funded by WRAP. To find out more, call 313-386-9727 or visit www.waynemetro.org/dwsdlifeline.
Water Residential Assistance Program Quarterly Report through June 30, 2024
2024 WRAP Improvements